SA Hip Hop 247

Not too long ago this year Yallunder released ‘KUM’, which was an Afro-Soul album that had singles such as ‘Iqiniso’ leading it. Fast forward to October Yallunder has a SAMA nomination in her bag with a song ‘Ndinovalo (REMIX)’, alongside Mörda, under the REMIX OF THE YEAR category. As well as a NEW single, titled ‘Mali’. Certainly, a lot can happen in one year!

‘Mali’ is a dance music song, and features some of the upcoming pioneers in the space, who are Kenza and Mpho.wav. Though Yallunder has done some collaboration in the dance music space before, ‘Mali’ is her first official single that is of the genre where she is the lead on it.

Remaining true to Yallunder’s style, she leads the song with her deep yet soothing voice. The song is about one who has given up on life trying to find happiness through love and devotes themself to wanting career success and wealth. As described in the title of the song, ‘Mali’, which is a Nguni word for money. The song gets released as the calendar year gets closer to the festive season, and in a South African culture of the time a lot of jubilation and dancing takes place. With this release, ‘Mali’ can be looked forward to being one of the songs to be enjoyed under these festivities!

This blog post is originally from YALLUNDER’S VERSATILITY GETS EXPOSED THROUGH A NEW SONG, ‘MALI’ and written by Staff Writer

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